Rhiannon Owens' color picks include 28 OLO colors: B4.3, BG0.4, BG2.1, BG7.0, BV2.2, CG7, G1.8, O2.4, OR1.1, OR2.3, OR2.5, OR2.6, R0.1, R0.3, R0.4, R5.3, RG6, RV0.1, RV0.2, RV0.6, V0.3, V1.6, V2.4, V7.6, Y1.1, Y1.1, Y2.0, YO2.3, and YO2.7.
Rhiannon is a professional illustrator, who uses media to create all things comic, sci-fi, and fantasy! Her stunning illustrations feature characters from Marvel, DC, STAR WARS, Star Trek, and more.
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