Bordin Marsinkul's color picks include 36 OLO colors: B0.3, B2.2, B2.4, BG0.4, BG2.3, BG2.7, BV2.2, BV4.5, G1.7, G0.1, G1.4, O2.2, O2.4, O2.5, OR1.1, OR1.3, OR2.2, OR3.2, OR3.4, OR4.2, OR4.4, OR4.7, R0.3, R0.5, RV0.4, V0.4, Y1.2, Y2.3, YG2.3, YG2.5, YG8.5, YO2.2, YO2.3, YO2.5, YO2.7, and ZERO.
Bordin Marsinkul is both a traditional and digital artist. Anime, comics, and the unique brush strokes of calligraphy inspire his art style. You can find Bordin at Cons, with an impression booth featuring stunning poster-sized illustrations, or follow him on Twitch for live streaming!