Chihiro Howe's color picks include 32 OLO colors: BG7.0, BG7.2, BV2.0, BV2.2, BV2.3, BV2.6, CG5, CG7, O2.2, OR1.3, OR2.0, OR7.1, OR7.2, R0.1, R0.2, R5.3, R5.5, RV0.1, RV0.2, RV0.4, RV0.6, V1.1, V2.3, V2.4, V2.6, V4.1, Y1.1, Y2.2, YG2.5, YG8.7, YO2.2 and ZERO.
Chihiro Howe is a professional manga artist. Chihiro works both digitally and traditionally and is an expert marker artist. Her original character design is recognized around the world. She has published books on manga drawing and color, and she is currently working on an original Webtoon series titled Raven Saga.
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